Here are recent and upcoming media interviews of Coalition Director Art Harman, discussing the future of the space program. Listen to and share the podcasts. Radio, TV, newspaper and web outlets are invited to book Mr. Harman for an interesting and informative interview.
Upcoming: January 31 at 8:10 AM ET on the "Good Mornings" show on WFIN radio in central Ohio to discuss the space program and the ideas of the presidential candidates. www.wfin.com/morning.
Upcoming: January 30 Time TBA on the Sarah Palin Radio show, with LaDonna Hale Curzon, Executive Producer and Host; to discuss the space program, Newt Gingrich's speech and related developments. www.blogtalkradio.com/sarahpalinradio
Upcoming: January (this week TBA) on 65 stations affiliated with Florida News Network. 40 second report regarding Newt Gingrich's space policy speech. Stations Also will be featured in a print news story.
Upcoming: January 30 on the nationwide John Batchelor Show to analyze Newt Gingrich's speech calling for a bold new space program. Segment will be in the midnight to 1:00 AM hour. Podcast available after show.
January 15 on WQYX and 4 other CBS Radio stations in the Tampa Bay area on the "In Touch With Tampa Bay" show; to discuss recent upcoming events in the space program, where presidential candidates stand on space policy, and how listeners can help support the space program by contacting candidates. WiLD 94.1, 6:30-7:00 AM; WRBQ 104.7, 7:00-7:30 AM; WQYK 99.5, 11:30-12:00 Midnight; WSJT 98.7, 8:30-9:00 AM; WQYK-AM 1010 6:00-6:30 AM
December 27 at 8:30 CT on KMA AM/FM (western Iowa and Missouri, Omaha Nebraska and eastern Kansas) on the Chuck and Don Show to discuss opportunities and threats to the space program, presidential candidates positions on space policy, and how YOU can help. Podcast: kmaland.com/chuckanddon....mp3
November 21 at 2:30 AM EST on the Goldstein on Gelt Show, on Israeli National Radio and other stations worldwide, to discuss the future of the space program. The world is interested! Goldstein on Gelt Show -- Check out the podcast.
November 1 at 1:15 ET with Jim Lynch on WUSB Radio 90.1 FM to discuss the space program and other issues relating to what made America a truly great nation. Coverage: Long Island, Southern Connecticut, parts of NYC (Brooklyn and Queens), and Westchester County. www.WUSB.fm/ Podcast may be available soon.
October 5 on the nationwide John Batchelor Show regarding the Space Launch System (SLS), Neil Armstrong and Gene Cernan's call for a real vision and plan for manned space, and Lockheed Martin's vision for exciting space missions in this decade. Advance in the podcast to 9:15 for the start of the interview: wabcradio.com/FlashPlayer/default.asp
September 14 at 2:15 PM ET with Patrick O'Heffernan and Chuck Morse on the Fairness Doctrine Show, regarding the future and the value of our space program. Listen to the podcast The program airs on WDIS AM 1170 Boston area; 1490 WWPR 1490 AM Tampa Bay, Florida; KRKQ-FM Ashland/Medford Oregon; and online at cyberstationlive.com/TheFairnessDoctrine
September 14 on a home-page featured FoxNews.com article, where Mr. Harman was interviewed along with former NASA Manned Space Director Christopher Kraft. The article discussed the dangers of evacuating the space station, and briefly mentioned Mr. Harman's solutions which are being evaluated by NASA and are described on this website. Article: FoxNews.com/.../russia-delays-manned-space-launch
Additional Coverage: DailyMail.co.uk HuntsvilleSpaceProfessionals.com GlobalPost.com
September 1 at 12:55 AM on the nationwide John Batchelor Show regarding the dangers of evacuating crew from the International Space Station and one of the solutions Mr. Harman proposed to NASA, which they are evaluating. Listen at the last 5 min of this podcast, right after the show's theme music: wabcradio.com/FlashPlayer/default.asp?SPID=33447
July 22 Interview with Märkische Allgeimeine, a daily newspaper in Potsdam, Germany on the final shuttle flight, and the present and future of the space program, both commercial and NASA. (in German) www.maerkischeallgemeine.de
July 17 at 7:50 AM Issues and Ideas with Chris Bello, on 4 New Jersey radio stations: WHCY-FM, Blairstown, WSUS-FM, Franklin, WNNJ-FM, Newton, WTOC-AM, Newton. Info: issuesandideasradio.com
Podcast: issuesandideasradio.com/audio.html - Interview is about 2/3 down the page.
Podcast: issuesandideasradio.com/audio.html - Interview is about 2/3 down the page.
July 12 at 3:20 PM with Pete Ferrand on WRJN Newstalk 1400 AM radio in Racine and Kenosha, WI http://www.wrjn.com/
July 9 at 12:55 AM on the nationwide John Batchelor Show after the final space shuttle launch, to discuss the post-shuttle world. Listen at the end of this podcast segment:
July 9 at 12:55 AM on the nationwide John Batchelor Show after the final space shuttle launch, to discuss the post-shuttle world. Listen at the end of this podcast segment:
July 8 on KXYL-FM Radio, Brownsville, TX at 8:10 AM on The Big Show, live from the space shuttle launch site.
July 8th, on WDUN AM/FM at 7:40 AM, ET on the Bill and Joel Show, live from the shuttle launch viewing area. WDUN covers Atlanta and north Georgia. Listen on the radio or online at wdun.com/listen/
July 8 8:15 AM ET on the Michael Patrick Shiels show on 12 stations in Michigan including WJIM Lansing 1240 AM. www.michigantalknetwork.com/
Podcast: Listen to Coalition Director Art Harman Live From Shuttle Launch Area
July 7 at 1:30 PM on CFAX, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada on Straight Talk with Dave Dickson.
July 7 with Pete Ferrand on WRJN Newstalk 1400 AM radio in Racine and Kenosha, WI http://www.wrjn.com/
July 7 11:00 AM on the Mike Pomp Show on WTSN Radio, Dover, NH.
July 7 11:00 AM on the Mike Pomp Show on WTSN Radio, Dover, NH.
July 6 7:20 PM on the nationwide Leslie Marshall Showwww.lesliemarshallshow.com/
July 5 with Wayne Metrano and Freddy George's On The Street Show cyberstationlive.com/OnTheStreet | Listen to the podcast
July 1 at 10:50 PM on the nationwide John Batchelor Show. www.johnbatchelorshow.com/ | wabcradio.com/article.asp?id=531472
June 30 10:20-11:00 AM with Bryan Allen on CKNX AM 920 Ontario, Canada http://www.cknxam920.ca/ Podcast: Listen to Mr. Harman's interview on CKNX Radio
June 30 4-5 AM on KOA Denver on the Rick Barber Show. www.850koa.com | Podcast: Listen to Art Harman's Interview about the Space Program
May 29 WQYX and 5 other CBS Radio stations in the Tampa Bay area on the "In Touch With Tampa Bay" show.
May 25 WBZ Radio in Boston at 8:10 AM with Deb Lawler. http://boston.cbslocal.com/personality/deb-lawler/
May 25 on the nationwide John Batchelor Show regarding the 50th anniversary of President Kennedy's historic challenge to go to the moon "in this decade."
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